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April 22, 2020

Dr Michael Mosley: My six healthy hacks to help you get through lockdown

“The danger of being at home, stressed and without enough to do, is that you will turn to comfort foods and sloth. Bingeing on pizza and box sets may feel good in the short term, but that way leads to piling on weight, depression and poor sleep. Instead, you should take this opportunity to try out new recipes and perhaps even start an indoor exercise program. Lack of time is no longer a valid excuse.” 

Here are six healthy hacks Dr Michael Mosley shared with The Telegraph in the UK, to help you get through lockdown as best you can.


1. Cook once, then eat again and again

Batch cooking will save you both time and money. Freeze meals in small containers for quick and easy dinners that will last up to 2 months. Try Dr Clare Bailey’s bean soup with pesto from The Fast 800 Recipe Book.


2. Make broth

Bone broth is used all over the world for to help people recover when they are unwell. It’s also good for your gut microbiome, your joints and may help reduce inflammation.


3. Stick to a Med diet 

The benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet have been proven time and again. Try tinned ingredients (like sardines, beans, tomatoes) and don’t be afraid to swap fresh for frozen.


4. Grow your own

If you have access to a sunny and warm window space, then why not try growing your own herbs. 


5. Do HIIT it at home

Keeping fitness levels up means you’re much more likely to stay positive and feel better emotionally. You don’t need much space for some short bursts of daily HIIT (high intensity interval training). Check out Dr Mosley’s free programme at to give you some ideas.


6. Find some head space

Meditation is a great way to find that calm mental space and disconnect from the day’s stresses. There are some brilliant free apps and YouTube videos to listen to that will help beginners get to grips with it. 

Full article published on The Telegraph.

Dr Michael Mosley's book Fast Asleep will help you not just to sleep better but to reduce stress levels and feel happier and healthier.